Caught in Traffick

Freya Barrington's previous book, 'Known to Social Services', gave us a frighteningly realistic insight into the harrowing world of the child protection social worker. Based on her own experiences, the book was a revelation and occupied the number one spot for social work books on Amazon UK within weeks of release and went on to win the autobiography/biography/memoir section of the 2015 London Book Festival and received an Honourable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival.

Freya’s latest novel, 'Caught in Traffick' is the sequel to 'Known to Social Services', and continues the story of social worker Diane Foster. Set mainly in Thailand; Diane and her partner Ethan are on a working holiday, blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking against the beautiful backdrop of white beaches and glorious monuments. When four-year-old Darcie Taylor is abducted from a crowded beach, Diane and Ethan find themselves sucked into the horrifying world of child trafficking. When Darcie’s abduction is followed closely by the kidnap of another child, there can be no doubt that a well co-ordinated gang is operating in the area. A chance meeting with the Director of Social Services Nicholas Bishop leads to a shocking revelation about the man who is still Diane’s most senior manager. Together, they become embroiled in a dangerous web of subterfuge and corruption, where organised crime syndicates and depraved sex offenders engage in a desperate battle of wits against those dedicated to their downfall. Trapped within this labyrinth of immorality are the children, who are sacrificed on the altar of greed and perversion for financial gain. With the gang’s tentacles reaching across to England, Diane is shocked to find herself faced with some old adversaries. With gripping twists and turns, hair-raising rescue attempts and heart breaking tragedies which leave you in despair; 'Caught in Traffick' will open your eyes to the disturbing underground world of child trafficking.

Caught in Traffick was awarded an Honorable Mention in the General Fiction Section of the 2016 London Book Festival.

Please do visit and like Freya’s author pages on Facebook, Google+ Goodreads. Thank you.

My Latest Novel

My Latest Novel

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Wildest Dreams

Less than 12 months ago, I was eagerly, and somewhat nervously, awaiting the release of my debut book Known to Social Services. Based on my own (fictionalised) experiences as a senior child protection social worker, I had felt for years that I had a book inside me, but never seemed to have the time to write it. With the support of my husband Steve, I eventually withdrew from the work force at the end of 2013, saying goodbye to the Child Protection Team I was working in at the time. Devoting all my time to writing, I finally completed the book, which details the day to day life of social worker Diane Foster. Once completed, I submitted the manuscript to dozens of agents and publishers, to no avail. Oh I had some polite and encouraging responses, and three of them offered me what is known as a vanity deal. That’s where you, as the author, get to pay THEM to publish your work – err no thanks, I’ll keep on trying.

My debut work

Like so many authors, disillusionment was setting in, until a chance meeting with a friend led me to the Maltese based publishers Faraxa, who offered me a contract and gave me the much needed opportunity to see my work in print. I cannot describe the feeling when I received the email, which made the offer. To see that someone wants to publish your work is such a thrill, and I still pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. I am indebted to Faraxa.

Then came all the editing, the proof reading the re-reading, the cover design, the foreword, the acknowledgements, and the final “Yes, it’s ready” before it went off to America to be published.

The excitement of launch day was immense; I was like a cat on hot bricks waiting for the response to all my hard work. Within two weeks, the book was at the number one social work book on Amazon UK. I could NOT believe it.

The feedback I have had since then has been tremendous and quite frankly, overwhelming. Yes, there will always be the protagonists, but overall, the book has been very well received by the profession of social workers and lay people alike.

I have been fortunate in receiving many invitations to visit Universities in the UK and in Malta, where I have been privileged to speak to students, lecturers and qualified social workers. I have also had the pleasure of doing many book signings as well as radio and newspaper interviews and a visit to a primary school to read to the children, though NOT I hasten to add from Known to Social Services!

At The University of Derby where I completed my Social Work training.

Speaking by invitation at Huddersfield University's Social Work Book Day

With BBC Radio Lincoln's Melvyn Prior

Once the initial excitement had died down a bit, I applied myself to completing my second book, titled Gozo Is the Grass Greener? A totally different piece of work, this book charts mine and Steve’s exploits in moving from the UK to the lovely island of Gozo in 2010. A mixed book of humour and sadness, it is a simple biography of our lives, written from the heart. It tells of how we met, our wonderful lurchers, our singing career and much more. This book was also well received and found a place in the hearts of the people of Gozo and much further afield.

My second book

At a book signing in Gozo

On the advice of the Director of Faraxa, I entered both books, in the 2015 London Book Festival. A week ago I had an email to say that the winners of the Book Festival had now been announced. There was a link, which of course I followed. Never imagining I had realised success I stared in frozen amazement when I read the following.

Winner: Known to Social Services - Freya Barrington

I stared at the words, and for some reason, closed the link and opened it again, not actually trusting that I had seen it correctly. No, there it was again, Winner: Known to Social Services - Freya Barrington. I had won, I had actually won.

Steve was in the shower, but I simply HAD to tell him, and so went barging in with a big grin on my face. Wrapped in a towel, he looked at me in puzzlement, "What?" he asked as I continued to beam. "I won" I said simply, "The London Book Festival, I won my section". Now for those of you who know my husband, you will know that he is a man of few words, and fewer facial expressions. He smiled, nodded and simply said, "What did I tell you?" ....... And he had; he had said it would win, and he was right. He's had faith in me from day one and has always been my most ardent supporter. 

Steve and I at a book signing at Gozo's Bargate Books

However, that was not the end of it; Gozo Is the Grass Greener? Had been entered in the same section and had received an Honourable Mention.

A double delight - to say I was over the moon was an understatement.

I write for pleasure; I write because I enjoy writing. It is not a burden or a chore, if it was, I would not do it. I have always said that if no one ever bought one of my books, I have still had the pleasure and delight of holding those shiny freshly printed new editions in my hands and saying, "I wrote this". However, it has to be said that to receive any sort of accolade is above and beyond my wildest expectations.

The Social Work magazine Community Care, ran a story on the success of Known to Social Services, at The London Book Festival, and today, saw the book once again take the number one slot in social work books on Amazon UK.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I received notice that The National Council on Crime and Delinquency in the USA are considering Known to Social Services for their Media for a Just Society Award.  Apparently, a member of their staff nominated the book. I was stunned - the USA? WOW I never imagined it had reached so far. 

Every author, no matter who they are depend on their reading audience for their success. And so I want to say to each and every one of you who has urged me to write and to have faith in myself. To everyone who has read either, or both of the books, whether bought or borrowed, to those of you who have given me great reviews, or who have simply written to me privately and said, "Great book Freya", I say a huge and most heartfelt thank you. Authors are an odd breed, we spend months, even years of our lives, hidden away getting backache, neck ache and shoulder ache from sitting hunched like hobbits over our laptops as we furiously bang out our latest plot. We worry, we wonder, we drink a lot of coffee and we do what we love to do - we write stories. 

Chilling out in a rare bit of free time

However, without people to read those stories, we are incomplete. Yes, I do write for pleasure, but oh the joy when you hear from someone who has read you book and who tells you it made them laugh, or cry, or how they've thrown the book across the room as they were so angry with one of the characters. Then ........ THEN you know you've got it right. When your words can move people, stir their emotions, provoke a response, then you know you've nailed it. 

And so, what now? Many of you are hounding me to hurry up and finish the sequel to Known to Social Services, and I promise I am working hard on it. Honestly. Steve and I are currently in southern Spain, but that is due to change soon ................. watch this space.

I hope to have it finished by Easter, and then we begin again with the editing etc. I am confident however, that it can be earmarked for your summer reading. The book is a work of fiction, set in the world of child trafficking. It's another disturbing glimpse into a world, which many of us are completely unaware of. With some of the same characters from Known to Social Services, the book is set mainly in Thailand, where you will meet many new characters, some of whom you will love to hate! With twists and turns, highs and lows, I am hoping it might enjoy the same success as its predecessor, but then, that's really up to you.

Love to you all
