Caught in Traffick

Freya Barrington's previous book, 'Known to Social Services', gave us a frighteningly realistic insight into the harrowing world of the child protection social worker. Based on her own experiences, the book was a revelation and occupied the number one spot for social work books on Amazon UK within weeks of release and went on to win the autobiography/biography/memoir section of the 2015 London Book Festival and received an Honourable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival.

Freya’s latest novel, 'Caught in Traffick' is the sequel to 'Known to Social Services', and continues the story of social worker Diane Foster. Set mainly in Thailand; Diane and her partner Ethan are on a working holiday, blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking against the beautiful backdrop of white beaches and glorious monuments. When four-year-old Darcie Taylor is abducted from a crowded beach, Diane and Ethan find themselves sucked into the horrifying world of child trafficking. When Darcie’s abduction is followed closely by the kidnap of another child, there can be no doubt that a well co-ordinated gang is operating in the area. A chance meeting with the Director of Social Services Nicholas Bishop leads to a shocking revelation about the man who is still Diane’s most senior manager. Together, they become embroiled in a dangerous web of subterfuge and corruption, where organised crime syndicates and depraved sex offenders engage in a desperate battle of wits against those dedicated to their downfall. Trapped within this labyrinth of immorality are the children, who are sacrificed on the altar of greed and perversion for financial gain. With the gang’s tentacles reaching across to England, Diane is shocked to find herself faced with some old adversaries. With gripping twists and turns, hair-raising rescue attempts and heart breaking tragedies which leave you in despair; 'Caught in Traffick' will open your eyes to the disturbing underground world of child trafficking.

Caught in Traffick was awarded an Honorable Mention in the General Fiction Section of the 2016 London Book Festival.

Please do visit and like Freya’s author pages on Facebook, Google+ Goodreads. Thank you.

My Latest Novel

My Latest Novel

Monday, 5 October 2015

A Week of Book Promotion in Malta and Gozo

Steve and I have just returned from a whirlwind visit to Malta and its smaller sister island, Gozo. As many of you are aware, we lived in Gozo up until April of this year.  The purpose of the visit was to promote my debut novel, Known to Social Services, which was the number one social work book on Amazon UK. Also to raise awareness for my new book, Gozo Is the Grass Greener? Which is an account of our move to Gozo from the UK in December 2010.

Monday 28th September

First stop was to the Lotus tal-Qalb Centre in Gharb, Gozo, where we received an enthusiastic welcome from a group of about 30 people. I am indebted to Sue Lister for extending the invitation to me, and to my dear friend Penny Dix for suggesting it in the first place. 

A warm welcome from Penny

Thank you to everyone who came along to listen

My dear friend Pat has her copy signed

I think this was a fairly orderly queue for books!

Thanks Janet!

Our Valda!

I know Jackie is one of many people who has read BOTH books

It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, where we met old friends and new and were pleased to have some brisk book sales J

BIG thank you to Sue for organising the event

Many thanks to you all for your hospitality.

Tuesday 29th September
We made the short trip over to Malta where I delivered an evening talk to the Maltese Association of Social Workers. This was a mutually informative evening where I shared information regarding social work in the UK, and learned how my colleagues in Malta work.

With Faraxa Director Joanne Micallef

Book signing with senior lecturer Charles Pace 

Known to Social Services proved very popular!

There is a marked difference in the way the two countries approach the issues within social work, which provoked a lively discussion. Again, the book was in demand, with other social workers bringing existing copies for me to sign.

Many thanks to the organisers for inviting me here.

Wednesday 30th September

Wednesday saw us up bright an early for an 8am lift to the ferry, which took us back to Gozo for a morning talk at the Oasi Centre in Victoria. Oasi is a non-profit organisation which offers vital help and support to people struggling with addictions of drugs or alcohol.

The audience at Oasi - front seats filled up later!

Speaking to an audience of social workers, counsellors and teachers, as well as members of the public, I firstly addressed the issue of alcohol addiction and its negative impact on children and their families

Using real case examples in the form of genograms, I then spoke on both positive and negative case outcomes in families where drug addiction had been a major factor.

Again, there was relevant discussion and ideas from all parties, with great interest in the book.

This lady bought a copy for her son who is in the UK doing social work

Our dear friends Honor and Manwel get their copy signed

The Guidance Teachers in the Anti-Substance Abuse Service 

Julia Crosthwaite, Director of Jules Gozo Holidays gets her copy

 Kind thanks to the organisers for the invitation.

Please visit for more information about the good work carried out by Oasi.

Friday 2nd October

Friday was a busy day; I was interviewed by Sarah Carabott of the Times of Malta. The article will appear in the paper in the very near future.

With Sarah Carabott of The Times of Malta

Later in the day, we went to the University of Malta where I delivered a talk to students and staff. Using exercises, I tried to demonstrate some of the issues faced by children who have to enter the Care System. I also gave another case example, where an accurate assessment of the presenting risks to the children had been essential to the case.

With Director of Faraxa Books Joanne Micallef and Sarah who helped to organise the event

I am grateful to the organisers for the invitation.

Book signings with students and staff. Here with the Head of the Social Work Department, Maureen Cole

This was a busy but successful week for us. We also had some time to catch up with good friends in Gozo, though we did not get to see as many people as we would have liked.

Waiting for our lift - see the cruise ship in the background

I would like to say a big thank you to my ever supportive husband Steve for all his help, and also to Joanne Micallef, the director of publishers Faraxa who are responsible for putting both books into print. Joanne’s assistance in getting around in both Malta and Gozo was essential to the smooth running of the itinerary, which I am pleased to say, cyclones and storms aside, went without a hitch J

Known to Social Services and Gozo Is the Grass Greener? Are both available via Amazon. They are also available in bookshops in Gozo and Malta or direct from Faraxa.

I am currently working on the sequel to Known to Social Services, which will be about child trafficking.
