Caught in Traffick

Freya Barrington's previous book, 'Known to Social Services', gave us a frighteningly realistic insight into the harrowing world of the child protection social worker. Based on her own experiences, the book was a revelation and occupied the number one spot for social work books on Amazon UK within weeks of release and went on to win the autobiography/biography/memoir section of the 2015 London Book Festival and received an Honourable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival.

Freya’s latest novel, 'Caught in Traffick' is the sequel to 'Known to Social Services', and continues the story of social worker Diane Foster. Set mainly in Thailand; Diane and her partner Ethan are on a working holiday, blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking against the beautiful backdrop of white beaches and glorious monuments. When four-year-old Darcie Taylor is abducted from a crowded beach, Diane and Ethan find themselves sucked into the horrifying world of child trafficking. When Darcie’s abduction is followed closely by the kidnap of another child, there can be no doubt that a well co-ordinated gang is operating in the area. A chance meeting with the Director of Social Services Nicholas Bishop leads to a shocking revelation about the man who is still Diane’s most senior manager. Together, they become embroiled in a dangerous web of subterfuge and corruption, where organised crime syndicates and depraved sex offenders engage in a desperate battle of wits against those dedicated to their downfall. Trapped within this labyrinth of immorality are the children, who are sacrificed on the altar of greed and perversion for financial gain. With the gang’s tentacles reaching across to England, Diane is shocked to find herself faced with some old adversaries. With gripping twists and turns, hair-raising rescue attempts and heart breaking tragedies which leave you in despair; 'Caught in Traffick' will open your eyes to the disturbing underground world of child trafficking.

Caught in Traffick was awarded an Honorable Mention in the General Fiction Section of the 2016 London Book Festival.

Please do visit and like Freya’s author pages on Facebook, Google+ Goodreads. Thank you.

My Latest Novel

My Latest Novel

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


I am so very excited to report that my debut novel, “Known to Social Services” will be ready for publication in February 2015. This is the moment I have been waiting for and now it’s almost upon me, I am filled with many emotions. Excitement is the overriding feeling, which dominates, though I must admit that this is tinged with a healthy dose of apprehension. Will people like the book? Is it too shocking? What if? What if? What will my fellow social workers think about it? Will they feel it’s authentic? Will they dismiss it as too fanciful?

So many thoughts racing through my head, and yet above it all, I feel a sense of pure elation.

I have written a book, and that in itself really IS something to feel good about. However, the moment of truth will soon be here and there will be nowhere to hide once it is published and “out there”. 

There are still things to do; there is the final reading of the edited work to approve, a disclaimer to write, and so many people to make contact with that it makes my head spin just thinking about it. However, I feel like a racehorse trapped in the stalls waiting for the “off”. I can’t wait to run with it, promote it, and most of all to own it and say, yes, this is my work and I hope you like it. No, let’s be honest, I hope you love it and come back asking for more.

The book is brutally honest and filled with the grim reality, which is the world of the child protection social worker. It may well shock you and find you exclaiming aloud. I recall a “true life” book I read many years ago, which saw me actually throw the book across the room as I shouted, “NO” in horror, hoping to somehow physically distance myself from this particular child’s trauma by doing so. It’s a book to challenge us all to the realities of what real life is like for thousands of children and their social workers across the world.

It’s been a tremendous journey and one, which I know is really just beginning. I sincerely hope that you will all come along for the ride with me;  you are all so very welcome.
